In April, 1986, I received a local letter representing an excellent national organization that has molded many a young lad in the proper ways of life. They are asking support for this American ideal.
But this organization, for the last two years, stated it still holds firm that each boy must declare a belief in God to become a member. Now that’s not very nice because it isn’t fair. I don’t like to see such a wonderful organization like the Boy Scouts of America discriminate against some of our future generation just because they have a different concept of our world and the universe in general.
The policy making of this well known youth club has it down to this: No oath, No service, No fellowship. It’s like when the popular, “No shoes, No Shirt, No service” signs were the order of the day, except this ruling is more devastating. It can separate a boy from his friends, all because he was raised under a different influence. A belief in God is great and American as Apple pie. But if your concept of God is one of nature, [i.e.] spirit of life, it wouldn’t be good enough to qualify for the Scouts.
A belief in God brings out many concepts of what it means to believe in God. Last fall this was brought out ably on a four-way planned discussion. To the Quakers, believing in God makes for peace on earth with no wars allowed. Believing in a strong fundamental God? That’s too scary. And the list goes on.
Before I slipped away from my inherited influence - I liked the gentle God that I believed in. My Christian upbringing days were spent in a country church. The church members lived by a motto which hung on the church wall, it read: ‘God is Love.’ Our minister saw God as the fatherly loving kind, whose job was to put lots of love in our hearts. With those good thoughts we learned to accept everyone, regardless of their convictions or beliefs.
I guess the Scouts’ policy making fellow has a sterner demanding God in mind. I’m thankful that our old Rocklyn minister when he came to the rough spots in the Bible, was kind enough to simply pass over them.
Nevertheless, everyone knows the Boy Scouts have loads of other good rules to live by. I was a Scout briefly while in California and had a lot of fun, but didn’t take nearly the time to learn all the good stuff they had to offer. However, I did learn how to save matches by starting fires, via "Indian style." My friend had a whole chest full of pins and medals for being smart and ambitious. I missed the hikes with these outdoor boys, as I had a paper route.
It would be nice if the Scouts’ policy makers would loosen their segregated hold of enforcing a belief in God. Wouldn’t that be the Christian thing to do to show your love for every child of every background? The danger of polluting the boys would be nil. In fact it would have the opposite effect.
Let’s take the YWCA for instance. It started out as a strong protective force in protecting the young Christian women from the evils of the outside world. So naturally their belief in God came automatically.
The Y once was very segregated. No men were allowed to join. Mixed swimming was a no-no. If no separate pools were available, a rope was placed between the men and women. No lustful looks were allowed to exchange across the ropes, and many not so dangerous rules were enforced.
After 126 years of advancing service the Association now draws together membership from every diverse experience and faith, so they may join in the struggle for peace and justice, freedom and dignity for all people.
A person can’t help but feel good all over about the Y’s imperative statement which is printed on the annual report covers: “To thrust our collective power toward the elimination of racism wherever it exists and by any means necessary.”
Now since I’ve expressed my feelings, I feel better and will meet the Scouts’ request for a donation. I hope they will meet their goal. What is God to me? I won’t get a Boy Scout badge for my answer. It’s found in a two verse poem that I tore out of an inspirational booklet years ago, it reads:
“If God speaks - It will not be in decaying scriptures - Nor in towering cathedrals of glass and stone - Nor through the mouths of holy men - With jeweled miters and gilded robes.
“If God speaks - It will be in the rustle of the wind in the leaves - In the seagull’s cry and the roar of the surf - And in the diamond web of a million dancing stars on a summer night.”
"God Is Love" Kik-Back Country, page 87 (home) (thread)
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