Keep From Rusting Out

It’s hard to judge locally who the most contented retired persons are around here. If your recreational vehicle has a bumper sticker that reads, ‘I’m spending my children’s inheritance’. I know you must be very contented—then go out and try to outlive your retirement. By so doing, one can reach many goals before your coffin reaches the cemetery. 

Now days a person is a dam fool to keep on working for dollars after Social Security sets in. The problem then is, how to tackle this retirement thing. Since every day turns out to be a Sunday, how does a person handle that? Sugar and I find ourselves busier now than when I had to roll out of bed so I could start farming. The only difference now is, we can pick what we want to do or junk the whole day by wandering around on our own. 

What we do with our retirement depends on who you are and how you were put together genetically. What sends one person on a high could drive the other person up a tree or visa versa. Also you don’t have to have a hobby if you’re not made that way. Still you have to do something to keep from rusting out. You can take up running and win a tub full of ribbons, that slow down enough to enjoy the health benefits. I probably will keep on breathing running air ‘til I run out of steam. 

"How Some Survive Retirement" Kik-Backs No. 3, page 57, part 1 (continued)     (home) 

 [This is the last article in Walt's last book.]
