Young and Rather Cocky

I think the best body transplant a Tin Lizzie ever got, was when Roy Borck of Rocklyn, skinned the original body off his rig and built a rocket shaped encasement around his 1916 Ford. He cut a hole out in the center for a small entrance. Only long legged Roy knew how to crawl in without getting his pant-leg caught on the emergency brake. The enclosed atmosphere gave him the security he needed without covering his dashing windswept face—a real safety improvement over those California dare devils. 

I remember the Sunday Roy initiated his pride and joy. He roared the rig back and forth along the church road while waiting for the preacher to dismiss us. Upon sighting worshippers on the steps, Roy stopped quick like in front of the church. Being young and rather cocky, Roy looked impressive, when he slipped his goggles up to his forehead, as he climbed out of his doorless racer. —Roy never raced his Model T ‘Blue Streak', but enjoyed telling how quick he got from here to there—to our amazement. 

"The Old Tin Lizzie" Kik-Backs No. 3, page 13 (home)     (thread)

Walt Kik
[I have not yet found a photograph of Roy's original racer...I am sure one must exist. - PK]
