Most Expensive Storage Place Ever

This [previous] article on how to store combines brought out some interesting results. I was informed that one old combine that was left naked in the farmer's yard wasn't that farmer's idea of proper storage. It happened to have been a trade-in. Due to its advanced age, the machine company figured it would make their display look like a graveyard for old harvesters, so they left it out at the ranch.

Lucille McCaffery called me up and said her late husband, Eddy, had what she believed to be the most expensive storage place ever used for combines. The storage facilities and landscaping cost 13 million dollars!

Luckily, it was built by the government, who seems to do things in a big way. The Defense Department wanted a chamber huge enough to point a missile at Russia, so McCaffery's farm was chosen. When the government figured they had a better way to scare the Russians, they sold their storage place at a much reduced price to the McCafferys.

Since it was too spacious a place just for storing Eddy's self-propel, he let his neighbors place their combines in this huge underground silo. A total of four harvesters were found hibernating in this elaborate and protective winter home.

"Mothballing Combines" Kik-Back Country, page 47, part 4 (continued)    (previous)     (home) 

Walt Kik

Walt Kik

Walt Kik
Atlas ICBM christened honoring Cindy Nevins
Davenport, Washington State 1961

Walt Kik
(U.S. Air Force, 1961)

Walt Kik
Missile Sight 1963 /

Walt Kik
My photo of Cindy from 1972
