This time of year with its long days and the smell of coming harvest, and the memory of events creeps in. Much has been written historically about men, so how about paying special tribute to the pioneer women of bygone days?
At best, it was tough sledding for those early day wives. Sugar and I visited many an old time cemetery and found stacks of tombstones describing departed young mothers. Many babies dot these old cemeteries too.
Pioneer families usually grew to double-digit size. There was no birth control knowledge. No equal rights laws or ERA movements to help those over-burdened and over-worked women. Sure, a lot of progressive husbands treated their wives the best way they knew how. Yet, the wives' brain power was weighed one notch lower by their ego-filled, hairy-chested husbands. It was a no-no for a woman to vote, or to express her rights.
"Many babies dot these old cemeteries too."
Susan Parish Photograph Collection /
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